Fierce Compassion: A Back Bending 4th Chakra Healing Yoga Workshop

lion's breath during an exhale with a yoga mudra shoulder opener

What do you see in the lion's roar? Fear, beauty, grace, strength, courage, love?

Have you ever had to speak up or break up with someone in either a personal or professional relationship? Perhaps you're experiencing a time when there's nothing you can do but surrender and internally scream. When you begin to experience the process of going towards your emotions, rather than blaming another and being a victim to your circumstance then your emotions are no longer coming towards you. Instead you begin your spiritual journey and a sense of dancing with your life in good, neutral and difficult times begins.

In the third turning of the wheel of dharma, the Buddha speaks of the lion's roar. The lion's roar is the fearless statement that anything that happens in our state of mind, including our wild emotions is like manure that can be weeded, receive new seeds and grow. When we roar, it is a reminder to go deeper into our practice.

On Saturday July 23 @ 3:30pm for 2 hours I will guide us through a back bending yoga flow practice where we will use innovative yoga therapy techniques and summer's natural heat and humidity to help loosen our tight neck and shoulders. Employing equal parts of precision and genntlenes, we will crack open our heart energy center along with understand how the lion's roar can accelerate healing our emotional body and lead us to our next stage of learning and growing. 

Where: Bamboo Moves Yoga in Englewood, New Jersey

Exchange $40 in advance $50 same day

Visit for more information and to register or call 201 871 7000

My weekly teaching schedule at Bamboo Moves Yoga in Englewood:

Tuesdays  11:45am  Basics  1hr 30min

Thursdays  11:30am  Basics  1hr 30min 

Visit my Bamboo Moves Yoga blog at & Click on the orange B and read about Beginner's Ayurveda and how to beat the summer heat naturally.

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