
Admittedly this is not my best outfit combo nor is the following combination because it is super difficult to do let alone teach. However as we sit in the middle of a steamy summer and I'm feeling bored with what's in my closet, creating what I call a gypsy nautical look, a combination of harem pants and flirty stripes is a reflection of making do with what I have and not being a slave to perfection rather being creative or what some might call quirky. With a little effort, shopping less and observing what you already have, you will be surprised how much extra mileage your wardrobe will have by coordinating different prints.

When it comes to practicing yoga particularly a hard to do sequence like this, remember it is a process. A method that gets better over time, meaning there will always be a missing part or two as it is designed to be forever evolving like us and everything in the universe including what we hear on the news.

Top, shades & cuff harem pants which are timeless circa 2009

Sandals bag, vintage

I know you cant see my feet here yet I'm on the balls of my feet, holding onto the top of my feet while preparing for tip toe bridge pose/padangustha setu bandhasana.

Tip toe bridge pose

Overhead arm variation.
Getting ready for wheel pose/urdhva dhanurasana

Wheel pose

Supine knees to chest. A neutralizing posture.

Nail polish, formaldehyde, toluene, dbp free color, sand castle, makeup

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