Summer Sun Energy Balancing Ritual
Many ancient cultures view the sun in a male form as a God. An energy that can dominate and be feared as well as protect and be loved. When I think of unhealthy masculine energy which can be found in a woman, I imagine a rough, abrasive know it all who likes to take over and boss people around. However both men and women can embody a healthy masculine energy. They can express a variety of positive qualities such as stand up for themselves, initiate change for the good and take care of their family for generations to come. To create an all inclusive and all powerful society, we need to mindfully practice and perhaps even ritualize balancing our male and female energy.
Here is a solitary ritual you can do this summer while the sun is most potent to rebalance the masculine side of yourself. All you need to do is go outside and stand in the sun's glow. If you like you can be in a yoga pose as you feel the sun's rays of light move through you. Notice what you feel. Perhaps strengthened, calm, confident and aware of your next step or where to back off. When you feel done, deepen your next inhale and exhale. Sit down on the ground and rest. Here Mother Earth can absorb any excess masculine energy from you and assist in balancing your male/female energy.
Repeat this ritual as often as you feel necessary to balance your energy.
Natarajasana, King Dancer's pose, tank skirt, vintage from India, sandals shades bangles, gifted from India |