Mindfulness Exercise: Noticing Your Harvest

Vrksasana/Tree Pose pre, dress www.onlyhearts.com made in NYC

Since I shopped at the market last night and enjoyed preparing and eating a bit of August's freshest locally grown vegetables, I've been reflecting on what I've been harvesting in my daily life. What seeds have you've planted that recently turned to fruit? 

As we sit in the first phase of the harvest season during August, there's more seeds that will be sprouting and more growth to be done until the year turns dark during mid Fall. For now your spiritual harvest may simply be a returned email from a creative work proposal you sent out last spring or a genuine smile from a person you've been struggling with for years. Like a tiny tomato picked from your garden, it is a fruit of your labor and that counts.

Try this mindfulness exercise where you write a list of what you've harvested so far this year. Include the small things like making it to appointments on time, peace at home, a realization, showing up on your yoga mat to experiencing that dream gig. Keep this list in a safe place to review by Thanksgiving.

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