Winter Solstice Candlelit Yoga Flow Fri. Dec.18th 6pm @Bamboomoves Yoga Englewood

The year's longest night of darkness is the Winter's Solstice. After this night the sun slowly grows in strength as each day passes. As we sit in the darkest time of the year, the Winter Solstice carries the promise of light and hope for the New Year ahead. It is a perfect time to get clear on what you wish to attract in 2016.

In this special class we will:

Move through a candlelit yoga flow which is designed to physically strengthen and stretch our 3rd chakra. It is our sun energy center which is found within the belly, side waist and lower back. The third chakra is the energy center from which yogis suggest your knowing of yourself, your gut instinct and personal power is born. It is the area from which your New Year's dreams are realized.

Here we will reflect on whether your desires come from your own truth or the voices of others in your head.

Realize how a clear mind can nourish and maintain a healthy body.

Learn 5 techniques you can practice today to keep your dreams coming towards you while still living in the moment.

This special class is designed to fit all levels.

Friday Dec. 18th   6pm

Please register at

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