Gratitude and Forgiveness Meditation
A couple of weeks ago I taught an open level vinyasa flow yoga class at Bamboomoves Yoga in Englewood, New Jersey on Thanksgiving Day. Being that Englewood is my hometown, teaching on a high energy day like Thanksgiving gave me a little extra rush of joy that's pretty much indescribable. At Bamboomoves we had a full house of eager to practice students. There were some people present I've known most of my life in addition to the daily crew who brought family and friends.
What stood out most for me was the lovely energy that filled the room at the end of class as the class rested in a heart opening restorative yoga pose. Here I guided everyone into a Gratitude/Forgiveness Meditation. I'm taking the time to post this guided meditation because I was inspired by this group meditation. Also because the teachings of gratitude and forgiveness have helped me tremendously. Although there's times I may forget to embody gratitude and forgiveness, I've come to learn there's always another day to start again.
Gratitude/Forgiveness Meditation
Recline on your back with your arms extended at heart height. Palms face up. You can also try the folded blanket under the arms and behind your shoulder blades option as shown in the photo above. Extend your legs with your feet hip width apart. Let your knees and feet turn out. If your lower back feels tension place a folded blanket or pillows under your knees to ease your low back body.
Close your eyes. Let go of your last conversation and relax your body. Notice the tidal quality of your natural breath. Let go and rest.
Gratitude, being thankful opens you to attract abundance. Forgiveness connects you to your highest self. Finding forgiveness is a step towards gratitude and abundance because you need to let go of resentments, anger, fear and all that's negative to make the space to receive the many gifts that await you. From this open and receptive space is where you can create. Creations that will serve you and many more. If you hold onto resentments and anger you block your positive flow. Clinging onto judgements creates a very thick wall around you. You hurt yourself, those around you and possibly strangers. Letting go and forgiving yourself, your enemy and whatever it is that ails you will remove this wall and overtime change your situation.
Visualize what you are ready to forgive.
Visualize what you are grateful for.
Visualize abundance and joy.
Visualize what you can give.
Repeat to yourself "I will stay open. I will stay open. I will stay open and not get stuck within one opinion and sit in judgement."
Deepen your breath, make easy movements to transition into sitting in a comfortable crossed legged position. Sit for a few moments in silence before you go on with your day.
*Special thanks to Dada J.P. Vaswani from the Sadhu Vaswani Mission in Pune, India and his teachings on Gratitude and Forgiveness. The next International Moment of Calm is August 2nd at 2pm for 2 minutes where you can join many people around the world get quiet, forgive and receive plenty of freedom as a result.