Hello September's Winds of Change-What's NEW BodySculpting + Mini Yoga Practices on YouTube + Ramapo College of NJ's ONLINE 200hr Yoga Teacher Training
September's winds of change can be felt as evenings are becoming cooler, schools along with various businesses are reopening, and meetings are being made to discuss how we are going to navigate this new world with its new ways. What I do know is we made it this far with all the twists and turns 2020 has delivered. Our resilience and strength has been tried and tested. Yesterday as I waited online at the supermarket, all I saw were people working together. People who know we can't snap our fingers for all of this to be over, but rather move forward together.
What has helped me keep steady during this uncertain time is prioritizing scheduling my healthy habits into my daily schedule. Having designated time slots where I practice yoga, exercise, go for walks, and look out the window and think about nothing with a cup of coffee for about 5 to 10 minutes. Making space in your life for self care, even in the most chaotic of times will steer you towards balance and greater connection to your strength and your power.
I'm offering plenty of online yoga classes both at BambooMoves Yoga in Englewood, NJ and at Allison's Online Studio My weekly class schedule is listed at the end of this post. What's NEW for September is I'm live-streaming a weightless BodySculpting class Wednesdays at 9am for 1hr at Allison's Online Studio. If you can't join me live on Wednesdays at 9am no worries because all the classes I lead at Allison's Online Studio are stored in my On Demand Replay Library, so you can access my classes at anytime to practice yoga or sculpt your body. At Allison's Online Studio your 1st class is FREE with a 24hr Replay.
If you're more of a 10-20 minute Yoga practitioner, be sure to Subscribe to my YouTube channel at Allison Egan Datwani-Glamorous Yogini where I post Mini Yoga Practices + BodySculpting sessions that are super easy to follow. When you Subscribe, you are notified each time I post NEW content. It's FREE and available whenever you can fit a little yoga practice + bodysculpting into your life. Remember, a little practice is better than no practice.
Also, Ramapo College of New Jersey is taking their Annual 200hr Yoga Teacher Training ONLINE! I'm thrilled to be a teacher on this Virtual Yoga Teacher Training adventure. I'm leading the Subtle Body/Energy Body teachings which includes the Chakras, Bandhas, Mudras, and beautiful Meditations that are rich in Ancient Wisdom. I also lead a Methodology session where I share my experience with what does and doesn't work as a student and as a teacher. I also share how I create content for my yoga classes.
We have a brilliant staff of diverse Yoga Educators at Ramapo College of New Jersey. It is a wonderful 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. If you would like more information and how to register please see this link Ramapo College of New Jersey's 200hr Online Yoga Teacher Training ASAP because we start Friday September 25th.
Below is a list of online classes, days, times, and links to register for classes. Remember, if you can't make the scheduled livestream class time at Allison's Online Studio, there's always the Replay option.
*I return to teach Tuesday Sept. 8th at 12noon
Sundays 9am Warrior Flow Level 2 1hr BambooMoves Yoga in Englewood, NJ