Hippy LOVE Flow - a Journey to Hip Care through Yoga

Hello there,

Just wanted to share a bit about the NEW Hippy LOVE Flow class. This class is all about getting into your hips, which is a crucial part of our body that supports our lower & upper body plus absorbs a lot of stress. This class is designed to help you find a balance between strength and flexibility in your hips.

Many people, when asked to point out their hips, often only point to the outside of their hips, which is the part that includes the glutes and outer thighs. However, our hips actually comprise the whole pelvic region, including the front, back, inner, and outer sides of the hips. These areas house some of the body's largest and most powerful muscles, which support our core, upper, and lower body.

During the class, I will guide you through a series of standing and seated postures that will open and build the muscles within the entire hip area. By the end of the class, you'll have worked your hip flexors, hip extensors, hip adductors, and hip abductors, finding balance and alignment in the hips.

The class will conclude with a restorative hip opener, a final relaxation, and a meditation. The restorative hip opener, which is usually a reclined butterfly or a pigeon pose, will help release any tension or tightness in the hips, allowing you to find a deep sense of relaxation. 

The final relaxation, often is a supine twist pose & savasana. These postures will soothe your nervous system and calm your mind. The closing meditation will help you seal the practice & create a sense of focused calm as you transition to what’s next in your day.

If you're interested in joining the class, it's available in both Livestream and On Demand formats. The Livestream classes are held every Monday at 9 am EST. If you can't make it to the livestream, no worries! You can always practice the On Demand Replay whenever it suits you. Please see links below to access.

Upcoming Livestream Classes

Practice On Demand

If you're in the Boca Raton area, please see the link below to join me for In Studio classes at YogaSix West Boca.

YogaSix West Boca

Lastly, please see the YouTube Short link below for a quick view of this flow.

YouTube Short

+ click on the Spotify Playlist Link below to listen to the Hippy LOVE Flow playlist while you practice with me online. Please listen from a separate device.

Spotify Playlist

That's all for now. I hope to see you in class soon! Remember, your hips don't lie! They will let you know when something is off. Finding balance in this area is key to a healthy body and mind.

From my heart to yours,


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