HUG the Midline FLOW

I’m excited to introduce a NEW yoga flow called HUG the Midline FLOW. You may have heard the phrase “hug the midline” in classes. This term refers to engaging your core muscles to enhance your practice. Let's delve into its meaning and benefits.

Understanding "Hug the Midline"

In yoga, "hugging" means lightly squeezing or firming up muscles. To “hug the midline” involves engaging your core by pulling in or drawing muscles towards the body's center. The midline is the central line of your body, referred to in yoga philosophy as the sushumna nadi, a channel for pranic energy and the location of the seven chakras.

Importance of the Midline

The midline is crucial in yoga as it supports postures by using core energy rather than outer muscles. Visualize it as a thread running from the crown of your head, through your torso, to your tailbone, and down to the floor.

About HUG the Midline FLOW

This full-body flow uses yoga blocks, your mat, and your focus to deepen your practice. It aims to enhance your awareness of your center, helping you discover how your body moves in and out of poses. One student shared that after 30 years of practice, this flow helped her achieve balance and flight in crow pose.

Class Availability

  • Streamed Classes: Mondays at 9am EST

  • On Demand: Available anytime to fit your schedule

  • Spotify Playlist: Enhance your online practice with the HUG the Midline FLOW playlist. Listen from a separate device for optimal experience.

  • In-Studio: Join me at YogaSix West Boca for various classes including Y6 Restore, Y6 Slow Flow, Y6 Hot, and Y6 Sculpt + Flow

I hope this flow brings you insight and joy in your practice.

Please see the links below to practice.

Upcoming Streamed Classes

Practice On Demand

Spotify Playlist

YogaSix West Boca

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